Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rent Inspections

Rent Inspections. A necessary part of renting a house, but completely fustrating and time consuming.
I spent all day today getting the yard and plants in general, in order. Mowing the lawn, hedge trimming and whipper snippering I can handle. But digging old, dead plants out of the pavement is just ridiculus! Especially when the Property Manager complains about them, cobwebs and other very trivial things and wont fix the leaking roof, the problematic airconditioner, the hole in the pavement, and the broken tilt-a-door.
Well, I think and hope that everything is in good order. Rent inspection is tomorrow.


Sarah said...

Ugh yes rent inspections! I'm very glad that Brad doesn't bother to inspect our place. So how did it go?

Although in student housing, I really looked forward to them cos it meant the flat would be clean for at least one day. I wanted daily inspections back then just so I could have an hygienic place to live.

Jillian said...

Apparently the rent inspection went well. I was babysitting Naomi at the time, and glad to be out of the house. I hate someone else looking through my space and making judgements, especially when they're not about the structure of the house but personal stuff.
We passed though! Hooray!! On the feedback form we got - Thankyou, it was a pleasure to inspect the property and to see how you're keeping things all in order. Jolly took me 4 days to get everything in order, with not a lot of help from the others living here... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
All the grass is out of the pavement though, well the part I was overseeing...
Are you coming down for Women's Convention?