Thursday, March 12, 2009

What my taste in Music says about me....

One of my friends Blogs had this on it, and I just had to see what my taste in music says about me!
What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?

Your Taste in Music Says You're Wild
Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.

Yeah Baby!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Friends are interesting people.
Recently - in the past month anyway I've had a few interesting conversations with friends, and more recently in birthday cards, had lovely messages from friends. I've been comparing the two and wondering which are the truer friend.

Some 'friends' are all like - stop being a victim and go back to work, teaching isn't that bad, you're such a negative person - that's why I stopped hanging out with you.. And these can be 'friends' that you live with, have lived with in the past and saw first hand how stressful school was for the last 5 years etc..

Other friends, who by general standards, wouldn't be classed as good friends cause you only see them once a week at Church and even then the conversation isn't that good, cause they've got kids running around, interrupting etc are like - wow, I can't believe what a generous, kind, joyful, compassionate, caring, fun person you are and that you've been through 5 years of hell and are still loving and serving other people in your Church, you are the most pro-active, busy person on stress-leave I've ever heard of. What are you doing, you're supposed to be on stress-leave! etc etc etc...

So recently I've been re-evaluating what friendship is, what a friend looks like/sounds like/feels like (teacher coming out)... etc, and also thanking and praising God for the good friends that He has so mercifully provided.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Queen of Colds

Well we've only just hit Autum, and already I've got a cold.
For me, it's not so much about what time of year it is, but how busy/stressed I am that causes me to catch a cold.
One year (when I was working) I had about 8 colds or more! I don't remember being well that year. However, it has given me the ultimate advantage for knowing how to look after myself when I'm not well. My house-mates call me the 'Queen of Colds' because whenever they're sick, they only get advice from me, not sympathy.
At the first sign of a cold start taking 'Ease-a-cold' Flu strength, day and night tablets, start drinking lots of fluids and go to bed!
'Ease-a-cold' is great because it eases the severity and duration of a cold/flu. It's also great because it's all natural stuff - no hard chemicals/drugs. This is a good thing for me, cause when you're on heavy anti-depressants, cold and flu tablets (eg, Codrol, Sudafed etc) don't mix well!
Sleep also reduces the severity and duration of a cold. Don't be afraid of calling in sick! Even if you get abused when you do.
Vicks Vapour Drops are also good, 'cause they soothe the throat and clear the nose. They now come in different strengths and flavours too.
Panadol - necessary for the fever, headaches and general achy symptoms that come with a cold.
Steamers or Sinus Rinsers - very important! Do regulary, and often. It helps clear out all the gunk from your sinuses, keeps it moist - so stops blockages and cysts forming. Also, if you keep your sinuses clear during the first part of the cold, there wont be as much coughing down the track and you will prevent chest infections from happening.
Vicks Vapour Rub - helps keep the head clear in-between steamers/sinus rinses.
Doctor - they can't prescribe anything for the common cold, as it's just a virus, but they can fill in doctors certificates and get you more time off work.
All important, above all - rest! Even if it's just sitting on the couch, watching DVD's or lying in bed watching DVD's. Don't push yourself to do anything.